028 | Growing From $0 to $400K in 13 Months with Justin Janowski of Faith2Influence
Dec 19, 2019Growing a business is hard, but Justin Janowski seems to know how to do it as he has modeled with Faith2Influence.
After a variety of experiences in sales and entrepreneurship, Justin took the leap to launch Faith2Influence and it did not seem like the best time. A baby was on the way, his wife quit her job to focus on raising the family but Justin knew in his heart he HAD to start Faith 2 Influence.
So, he quite his job and hit $400K in sales 12 months later. This podcast episode shares that story as well as key points on some of the following topics:
- Why you should always live from your passion
- Importance of defining your audience and knowing your "who"
- Some of the most common sales mishaps businesses have
- Sales strategy and sales success tips for small businesses
Justin Janowski is serving Christian business men and helping them be more healthy in Faith, Business, and Family through Faith2Influence. Regardless of your passion or worldview, there is a lot to learn from Justin Janowski on how to build a business and get more sales.
Find out more about Justin Janowski and Faith2Influnece at www.faith2influence.com and get a free gift from Justin and his team at www.f2igift.com.
Listen to the full episode below to hear all about Justin Janowski and Faith2Influence.
Full episode transcript:
Speaker 1: (00:01)
Hey everybody, welcome back to, hold on a sec. I don't know how to say your last name. How do you say her last name?
Speaker 2: (00:07)
Jan Now Ski. Okay. And like the girl's name, I'll like you hit me ski like we're on the mountains.
Speaker 1: (00:12)
Okay, sounds good. Sounds very Wisconsin. Yes it is. Cool. Hey everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the small business storytellers. I am here with Justin Janowski. How are you doing today?
Speaker 2: (00:28)
I'm doing well. Thanks for having me on the show.
Speaker 1: (00:30)
Yeah, absolutely. I'm excited about this because even though we're two hours apart, we're both in the same beautiful state of Colorado. And as soon as I heard who you were and what you do, I was like, man, how do we not know each other yet? So this is going to be fun, just getting to learn about what you do and uh, just learning a little bit from the success that you guys have had, um, as a young company. So Justin Janowski, give us some context for who you are and what it is that you do.
Speaker 2: (00:57)
Great, great question. So first and foremost, I'm a Christian. I'm a son of God. And secondly I'd say I'm a husband and I'm a father. And the third thing that's important about who I am and what I do is that I am the CEO and founder of faith2influence. That's faith. The number two influence and what we do at faith2influence is we help Christian men in business, really Millie minister, there are business skill sets around leadership and sales, their relationship skill sets, especially the ones that are important to being a husband and being a father and we help them integrate their faith into their business and their family. And so those are the real areas that we're focusing on. And we lead our clients through three day live retreats in Colorado and then a mastermind group coaching program, some one on one coaching and a number of other things that we do to engage with them. Ultimately though, what we're really after every single day is to help men, Christian men specifically when more at work at home and in their [inaudible].
Speaker 1: (01:57)
Cool. I love that. And I want to kind of mentioned to the listeners that we realize that everybody has a, everybody comes from different backgrounds and has different beliefs. And so, um, even though Justin Janowski and I share the same faith, we, I want this podcast to be a place where we can learn from people of different backgrounds and of different, you know, beliefs or whatever it might be. And so if you're not a Christian, keep listening because, uh, just because somebody believes different things than you doesn't mean that they can't teach you amazing things of how you can build what you're doing in your life. So, uh, I would say I, I want anybody who regardless of what they believe to feel like they can be open about it and honest about it and stuff. So I appreciate your honesty and transparency with that. So you're talking about, uh, helping Christian men really like, it sounds like a whole, the whole man, like a well rounded person. Um, why not just like help them grow their business or whatever. Like w talk to me about the actual, it sounds like there's a problem that you guys are trying to help fix.
Speaker 2: (03:06)
Yes. Thank you for asking. And I will say that at my former company, it was not faith-based at all and we worked with six figure earning and seven figure earning salespeople and entrepreneurs and we helped them, you know, go from earning a hundred grand at 200 grand or go from earning half $1 million to $1 million and it didn't have anything to do with faith and it was really great business and leadership and sales skill set development and I loved that and I love personal and professional development as a whole. That leads me to grow in my career. And then I also love, you know, being involved with my church and having support in my faith and my family in that setting. What I've found in my life is that I've rarely had community in which faith, family, and business, we're all honored and prioritized at the same high level.
Speaker 2: (03:59)
And so I wanted to bring high level professional development, the kinds of the kind of development that six and seven figure earners are painful. And I wanted to integrate family and faith because ultimately if we're winning at work, but we're not winning at home, we're not going to feel very fulfilled. And the pain that we're feeling at home is going to move into the workplace. It's going to affect the way we show up. It's going to factor energy, it's gonna affect how we feel. And the same is true for our faith. The same is true for our business. If we're leaving one of these three areas behind, or two of these three areas behind at the expense of another, we're ultimately going to be less fulfilled and less successful than we desire. And we're going to be less of who we know that we're meant to be. And so I really want to help men in our company really wants to help men really feel complete and like they're becoming who they were created to be in all areas. And I know that each of these three areas affect the others.
Speaker 1: (04:55)
So why the decision to be a for profit business as opposed to a nonprofit charity?
Speaker 2: (05:02)
Mmm, yeah. I get asked this question a lot too because most people assume if you're faith base, you're probably going to be nonprofit. In fact, it's funny when I post on social media about us, when I post on Facebook, they consistently put the headline above the post that's asks me if I want to uh, raise money for our nonprofit and I have to click acts and say no, not enough. And the reason is I've, I've been in business for 14 years. I've been in sales, I've been an entrepreneur and I've always been very successful at it. And I know that for most people when they are trying to grow personally, they're trying to grow professionally. They go to different conferences or events or they hire a coach. They, especially if they're in business and they want to grow in business, they want to grow their revenue.
Speaker 2: (05:49)
They want to grow their profitability, they want to grow their income. They want to work with someone or work with a company that has history of success in generating revenues and profits and income. And I want our company to be one that allows, uh, for space for us to employ people and allows for them to live a nice lifestyle. I want to create a lifestyle that people desire to have for themselves so that we can model it. And I also don't think that income or money is in conflict with faith and Christianity and goodness. In fact, I want to earn as much money as I possibly can in my lifetime. And one of the reasons why is because I want to give as much money as I possibly can in my lifetime. My wife and I have always challenged ourselves in our giving. And since we've been married, we've given between 15 and 20% of what we've earned every single year.
Speaker 2: (06:39)
And that doesn't encount, uh, include or count all the times that we've hosted people at our house. And a lot of the feeding of people that we've done. And a lot of the things that we do is outside of that. But we have structures in place to give 15 to 20% of what we earn. I'd like to eventually give 25%. I'd like to someday give 50% when I'm 70 years old. I hope my Marnee more money than I've ever earned in my life and I don't need any of that income. I hope that I can give 100% of it away someday and just live off of my investments. And so I believe that God invested in me and gave me a skillset that is one that can and has the capacity to earn a lot of income. And through that earning, I hope to inspire people to give, I hope to give and, and be impactful through it.
Speaker 1: (07:25)
I love that. I love the focus of, uh, you know, how can I use these tools and these gifts that I've been given, uh, and then I was born with not just to, you know, serve myself and make myself money, but how can we use them to actually give back to people around us? I've noticed for most people, there's a moment, uh, the moment might've been brewing for a while, but there is some moment where you decided, I'm going to start faith to influence. I was about the moment that you actually realized like, okay, now is the time I'm going to do this.
Speaker 2: (08:00)
Yeah, that's, that's really interesting and fun. And before I share, I, I had a thought that occurred to me right after answer the last question, which is to say that I work with entrepreneurs who are dealing with the same challenges and opportunities as me in building a new business or in growing their sales and growing their income and working on their profitability. And so I also think it's important that we're dealing with the same challenges our clients are every single day. And in our first, you know, we're, we're one year in, one week in business so far, and thank you. God's blessed us. We've, we've booked over $400,000 in revenue. We passed that Mark yesterday. We booked something like $400,000 in revenue our first year. And that actually doesn't leave as much room for profit as you'd imagine. And we have a team of five people now and we have a fair amount of expenses and it's like I'm in the same battle our clients are in.
Speaker 2: (08:51)
I think that's really important. So all that being said, when started this business, I didn't imagine that we could possibly do this much business and revenue in our first year. I didn't even know who was going to work. And I was saying to myself, six months from now, I'm saying to my wife and myself, if this doesn't show that it's financially viable, I've got a backup plan, I'm going to go get a job. And so I can also relate to the people who are listening who are struggling to start that business or in fear of whether or not they're gonna be able to make it. Cause that's certainly how I felt the first few months. So to answer your question of how we started this business and when the moment was, I decided I'm going to share two moments. One is that eight months before I left my job at my last company, I had a vision for running this kind of business.
Speaker 2: (09:35)
I was in similar business with them. It just wasn't faith-based and it didn't bring in the relational marriage, fathering kind of component. It was just sales and business. And so I had this moment where I thought, man, I want to talk about, say I want to talk about sales and business still and lead in that way. I also though really want to talk about faith. I want to be able to pray, I want to integrate God into this. I want to be able to talk about marriage and fathering cause I think it's so important and I also want to talk about giving. I want to talk about when we earn more, how can we be impactful with what we've been given. And I felt so strongly about like this moment I remember I was sitting at my desk and it's all occurred to me and I said to myself, man I, I have to do this someday.
Speaker 2: (10:17)
And I wrote a business plan. I was so fired up by the idea of it and I literally wrote a one page business plan that I took a picture of and I rediscovered recently so I can go back and look at that. It was eight months before I left. I thought when I looked at this plan, this will work, this, I can do this some day. And I figured it would probably be a few years from now or maybe even a decade or two from now. And ultimately when my baby was born, our first baby was born, little grace. She was born in September of last year and I took three weeks off of work and my wife had just quit her job to be a stay at home mom because my job with my startup company was finally paying enough it could provide for our family and on my second day back to work, after those three weeks off, I felt like God was calling me to start this business.
Speaker 2: (11:04)
I had a number of signs, a number of conversations with people that led me to think the world needs faith to influence the world needs the work that I had already created, the name and everything eight months earlier. I just, I didn't imagine in my wildest dreams it was going to be now, but I felt like the world needed it and there were so many conversations and signs and the second day back, and I remember calling my wife and being emotional practically in tears. And the way I showed up in that conversation with her wasn't super tactful. So before you know it, she was in tears and like kind of shocked and scared. And this felt like the worst timing ever to quit my job and start a business. She just quit her job. I mean, I don't know why you guys use the perfect timing to start a piss.
Speaker 2: (11:46)
Right, right, right. And three to provide for and said two and you, it's just a whole new world here. And in previous years when I was single, when I was by myself, I would've just done it not day. When I feel strongly about something, I'm courageous enough to act. That's maybe one of my gifts now that I had a family though we need to think about this. And so we took a month and we talked about it and we prayed about it and we consulted people who we really trusted. And ultimately I kept asking myself the same question, which is would stain at my company or starting stayed at my job or starting this company be more pleasing to God. Like what would he really want me to do? What's going to be more impactful to the world? What's most important? And I kept coming to the same answer, I have to do this.
Speaker 2: (12:33)
And so my wife supported me in it and it was scary and we took the leap. I quit my job November 15th of 2016 and started the business a couple of weeks later. It's amazing. So talk to us about those first few weeks, especially because we know, uh, you guys have gone from zero to 400 K. so, uh, like what were the first things that you did to start like actually making some money? So you could feed your wife and your new baby. How, how did those first few months ago to actually getting some consistent revenue? Great question. Uh, also, I think I said November, 2016 it was definitely November, 2018 that we started the business a little, a little slip of the brain there. So what we did right away, first thing I did is I, I had talked to some people about the business and the viability of the business when I was in that decision making process.
Speaker 2: (13:27)
And one of those people said, Oh my gosh, yes, you need to do this. And I believe in this so much. I want to be a client. Like sign me up. Like I'm your first client. He was trying to give me his credit card. His name's Andrew Mortenson. I think he's fine with me sharing this because we're just, we were close friends. We've known each other for years. He believed in me, believed in this vision, which was so important to me to have people around me who didn't believe. And he said like, here's my, I'm ready with my credit card. And I'm like, well I need a couple of weeks. I don't even know how to take an order yet. Like I need to get our payment processing system up and set up our Stripe and our business checking account. So on day one, once our LLC was active, we had our business checking accounts set up.
Speaker 2: (14:07)
We had Stripe, I knew I had one sale so I called Andrew and he bought and that encouraged me and I had an opportunity to do something that's outside of our normal business, our normal realm of business. So in our normal business, the first thing we wanted to do was sell people to a live event and we were charging a little over a thousand dollars to come to a live events at that point. And we, I, I made a prospecting list. I made a huge list of like the hundred or 150 people I knew who at some level could either consider this or could potentially refer me to people who could consider this. And when I was making that long list, something happened, which is that a former client of mine at former company reached out and said that they could use help at the live event they were running just a couple of weeks later, would I come out and help them sell into their mastermind, their group coaching program at their live event.
Speaker 2: (15:02)
So that was just, that was a blessing. It was something I didn't really earn. It just came in front of me. So I did that and I made a few thousand dollars selling for her at her events. And then I took this hundred 150 person lists that I had and I texted every person on it that I had enough courage to attacks. There were maybe a few that I've passed over and I was scared and I was like, Oh, I can't text them right away. What are they going to think? Are they going to judge me? For the most part though, I was courageous enough to text those people. So I crafted something and it was a copy paste situation changed the name, but I crafted a message saying, Hey, I wanted to update you that I'm leaving my company, my job and I'm starting faith to influence and the reason that we're starting faith influence to help Christian men when we were at work more at home and more in their faith and I'm holding a really cool live event for men like this who value the same things and really want to grow.
Speaker 2: (15:52)
And I'm curious to know if you might be interested in having a conversation or if you might know. Some people I should be talking to and I sent this out over and over and over again. I spent hours, copy and pasting and like editing a little bit for person to person and putting the new name in and ultimately had a lot of people not respond at all. Of course, some people respond with encouragement, but say it wasn't for them. And then I had people say, yeah, I'm interested in this. I'd like to talk more or I might know some people. And so I lined up as many phone calls as I could with people who I thought could be my advocate or could be a prospect for the business. And then I utilize the sales process that I developed in my last company and the sales skills that I had really developed over my entire adult life to get on the phone and sell through leadership more than like something that felt car salesy or sleazy in any way.
Speaker 2: (16:43)
Like I just really provided leadership, asked to ask great questions about people's visions and then presented an opportunity to help them close the gap between where they're at right now and where they really want to be in their vision. And that opportunity in many of the cases was to offer for people to come to our retreat. And I was selling the first event, which was three months later it was scheduled for, I'd already booked the location, which felt like a big risk and I was selling people into that. And that first events had eight men at it and six of the eight were people I knew from those initial text messages. The other two came from social media, so that's the other thing I did right away is I started posting on social media what I was doing and I found that one of the people I texted in those a hundred or so people was so interested in what I was doing so fascinated, so much loved it.
Speaker 2: (17:33)
His name is David Gonzalez that he said he wanted to be involved and he would help for free and so he started helping me with some like photography and videography and helped us develop our logo and create our website faith to influence.com and then I just started making social media posts everyday telling the world what I was doing and a couple people reached out and said this is really cool. I want to learn more. I think one of the reasons I'll, I'll wrap my answer up here in a second but I think one of the reasons this works so quickly beyond just grace is that we had a very specific target market. We're working with just men who are Christian who were in business and we actually sold a couple of people who are non Christians were just open rather than opposed. And we're absolutely happy to have them at our retreats. But we had a very specific target market that we were writing our posts for. And so when I think these men read that, they said that's me and I've actually never heard of anything that brought business family and faith together like this. And so I care about all those three things. Maybe this is just what I need.
Speaker 1: (18:36)
I love that there's how I want to turn this conversation into like a three hour long conversation cause there's a lot of questions, but uh, I would love to just hear a little bit about like the sales side of it. It sounds like you've been in sales a lot. Um, I don't think that, you know, you've been able to grow a successful business by accident and stuff. So what are some of the things I would say like the biggest, uh, what are the biggest things that people are not doing that small businesses are not doing from a sales perspective that you think they should be doing to be getting a steady inflow of the right clients?
Speaker 2: (19:16)
Man, I could name a lot of things to be honest. Uh, I'll name a few if that's all right. That's great. So the first thing that comes to mind immediately when you're talking about this is that many entrepreneurs and small business owners have an identity crisis around who they are and around what it means to be a salesperson. I think that so many business owners and entrepreneurs and people in the world in general have this idea that sales is bad or sales is sleazy or specifically in the Christian world. And some people outside of that to have a money mindset problem where they actually have a problem making money. They feel like making money is bad or asking for money is bad or something like that. And we ultimately have developed these stories through years of experiences and probably the stories of the people who came before us, our family, our mentors, our friends, movies that we've watched that have painted sales is bad.
Speaker 2: (20:16)
And so if we have this internal challenge around sales and we don't think it's good or we're afraid of asking for money, or we don't identify with being a salesperson because it feels bad, well, if you don't identify as being a salesperson, you're probably not going to sell very much is the first thing I want to say. And I want to just empower anyone who's listening to this, who sells something, which is every business in the world practically, that sales is really good. It's not a dirty word. The reality is that people create the marketplace, inspire the marketplace, move the marketplace. Salespeople create jobs through the work they do, and they help people stay in their jobs by selling a lot of their product or a lot of their service. When companies grow their revenues for great sales, they hire more people. They give raises to the people at their job.
Speaker 2: (21:08)
And I'll also suggest that salespeople are critical to the success of the economy. And so if you're a salesperson or if you're an entrepreneur or business person who's previously not identified as a sales person, maybe you'll recognize right now that what you do is sales and that sales is good. And how we feel about who we are, what we're selling and sales in general is the first thing we got to get right. If we want to sell a lot. I feel so good about being a salesperson. I feel so good about having sales conversations. I feel so good about what I sell, what I do in the world, and all of that makes it easier for me to sell. So that's the first piece.
Speaker 1: (21:50)
I love that. I just want to say I love that. And we were just in our office, we just, Oh, also we're both millennials drinking with LaCroix while we're interviewing. But uh, we just filmed a video right before this for our online training platform and talking about how like marketing is good. Like marketing should be about you having a really valuable message or product and giving that message to the right person and like it's an exchange of value. It should be a good thing. But I think it's, it's in her head. So I love what you're saying with that and just wanted to chime in there cause that is so,
Speaker 2: (22:30)
so true. Thank you. And for some people it's, it goes even deeper to having a struggle in their relationship between giving and receiving. For some people, and it might be like how they were parented given to or not given to when they were little. Like it might be how their dad treated them or didn't treat them or his presence or absence. All of these things can affect the stories that we tell ourselves and like the, the identity pieces we hold on to. But some people just have a challenge around the relationship of giving or receiving. They really struggle to receive or they really struggle to give because they think they're not going to have enough or they think they're not worthy of receiving or whatever it might be. And if we get our relationship right around giving and receiving, if we become really generous and we give a lot, it's probably gonna be easier for us to ask.
Speaker 2: (23:17)
It's probably gonna be easier for us to receive and feel good about that too. And so how to solve all that, that's another podcast episode for another day. It's a whole different conversation. The awareness simply though of what might be holding us back, we'll begin to create opportunity for us to find a solution to the problem. So if you're noticing, man, I've maybe got this identity problem, I need a shift here. I'm not sure how, just having the awareness of the need for the shift will probably bring solutions to the table over time. So I want to empower you in that. The second thing I'll say is what most sales people do wrong is they miss the very beginning of the conversation. They get the beginning of the conversation wrong and this is where we really need to lead. Ultimately, people will make judgments about us based on how we show up in the first couple minutes of the conversation.
Speaker 2: (24:04)
If there are people who listen to this are listening to this episode, you probably judged me within the first couple of minutes, maybe in a positive way. I hope so. Or you might've said, man, I don't like this guy's voice or something about his pace. Doesn't feel quite right to me or if you will. He does have a Giannis Antetokounmpo Jersey behind. Yes. Yes. Neon is the Greek freak. You might be like, man, I am not a Bucs fan. Oh, he's from Milwaukee. I don't like people from Milwaukee. Or maybe you're like, if you were looking at me, he doesn't even have any hair on his head. He's got more hair on his chin than his head. I'm not sure if I trust that, but ultimately, whatever it is, good or bad, he might be like, Oh, I really like this guy. I vibe with him.
Speaker 2: (24:45)
Whatever it is, good or bad. People will judge us within a couple of minutes. People will oftentimes judge us even within 30 seconds. And so most salespeople will not have a real structured plan for how they're going to begin the conversation. And they might stay in the process of building rapport for as long as possible until their customer prospect client leads them out of that by saying, okay, so what are we really here for? What's the point? And it's not a great way to begin a conversation of leadership because I believe sales is leadership. To have the prospect need to lead. Ultimately your prospect probably leads in so many areas of their life already in their business and their family, et cetera, in their community. And if they can sit down with you and be taken through a process of leadership, they're going to feel really good. So the first thing in that is to say that I build rapport typically four or get into rapport for 30 seconds.
Speaker 2: (25:35)
I'm not gonna talk about what that looks like out at time sake, but 30 seconds of a couple of questions and engaging with the person, getting to know the energy level and the pace and volume and tone. And who am I with? I can figure that out in 30 seconds just like they can about me. And at that point I want to transition. I want them to be the one to lead into the conversation and I'm going to do that with a pre-frame. Pre-framing to me is the most important part of a sales conversation. How do you set the structure for what's about to happen and can you do it in such a way that establishes that you are a leader, that you're trustable and that [inaudible] consent from the person you're with to go through your process? It also tells them that you have a plan, that you're prepared, that you're a professional.
Speaker 2: (26:20)
And so the way I'm going to pre-frame our sales conversation is something like this. I might say, Hey John, thanks so much for taking the time to connect with me today. I want to make the best time of yours and mine. And so I'd just like to lay out a simple structure for this call. Would that be all right? To which they say yes and I say, great. The reason we're talking is Seth referred me to you and told me that you're a great person. He also said you're a great business person and that you're a man of faith. And my company, faith2influence works with some of the top sales people and leaders from across the country who are also Christian men who care about their family, their faith and their business. And we help them achieve higher levels of mastery in all three areas.
Speaker 2: (26:59)
And we do that through our retreats and our mastermind, our coaching programs, and ultimately what my outcome is on this conversation is to figure out if it makes sense for us to work together. And the way we're going to get there is I'd like to ask you some questions about where you're at right now in your business and in your life. And I don't want to talk to you about your vision for the future. What do you really want? And after that, let's discuss the gap. What are some of the challenges that stand in the way between where you're at right now and where you want to be at that point? I'll give you some perspective and coaching based on what I hear and if it seems like a good fit. I'll explain more specifically how we work with our clients and then you and I can decide either to work together or not work together and either way is fine.
Speaker 2: (27:42)
Does that sound good? To which they say yes and there's, you know, there's several pieces in that pre-frame that if we were just having a call and pre-frame, we could like break it all down that are important. But ultimately what I'm really doing is telling them why we're on the phone, what the outcome is that we're after, what structure we're going to go through together to achieve that outcome and I'm going to let them know we're going to make a decision at the end of the call and I'm going to get the permission to go through the structure, including the decision which is the part that salespeople who are not doing well want to avoid and needs to be understood on both sides of the front end and it's not sleazy. It's, it's actually like very builds a lot of trusts, very authentic for them to be like, cool, there is a decision we're gonna make.
Speaker 2: (28:25)
We're both on the same page about it. I've agreed to make that decision and I've agreed to answer these questions that are gonna help us both discover if it's a good fit. Once that process is done. And we've gone through a pre-frame like that and they've said, yes, let's do it. It's really easy for me to lead to ask good questions, to have a process that flows well and people love leadership. They want to be glad and so they can just sit back after that and let me take them for the ride of the conversation. Right? Of course they're gonna name, age, and I'm going to ask more questions that I'm going to tell. And that's the final thing I'm going to give is that in sales where people are getting wrong is they think they need to demonstrate and talk and tell when the best thing that we can do is ask a great question and then listen to full presence.
Speaker 1: (29:09)
I love that. That is so good. And I think that, uh, I hope the listeners were taking notes because I think a lot of people don't understand how valuable of advice that is. So I wish we could go into all of these, all of these areas. Uh, as we wrap up, I have a few quick questions for you, but I mean, you know, you have all the sales expertise, you have professional experience, you're applying it to this business now. Um, what, why, what's your why behind what you're building, right?
Speaker 2: (29:40)
Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1: (29:41)
I just, I think the world needs it. I think that the world with the world needs more than anything else, by the way, is men who will simply lead their own home if every man in the world began to lead his own family, showed up as a present and engaged and thoughtful leader for his wife and his kids. And this doesn't mean that our wives and our kids can't lead to, of course they do. Ultimately, I really believe like if every man just took ownership for his own family and the way he showed up and led in a meaningful way, the world would change overnight. If we all were just great fathers and husbands, the world would change immediately. It would be dramatically different. And I also know that one of the things that men are really passionate about is business and growing business. And because that's something I'm really good at leading with the fact that we can help you sell more, we can help you make more money, we can help you grow your business is a good way to get people in the door so that I can secretly help them become better leaders for their family, better faithful leaders, help them become more of who God created them to be and ultimately send them back out into the world so that they can have more impact on all the areas in all the communities that they engage in.
Speaker 1: (30:57)
That's great. I love that and I hope that hope that the listeners will actually go and check out faith2influence. Justin Janowski, what have been some resources that have been helpful for you along your journey of getting to where you're at today, whether it's podcasts or books or people, whatever it might be.
Speaker 2: (31:16)
Yeah, you know, my first coach in 2009 was Hal rod. He wrote the miracle morning. He's pretty famous now for that. He was actually teaching me the miracle morning on our coaching calls and testing the concept with me before he wrote the book, which was super cool. So he really impacted me. And then Ben scamper and the [email protected], which is my former company. I was a client there first. I had an incredible experience with them and learned a lot. I've also been to Tony Robbins events and Brendon Burchard, and they've been really interesting and I would say going to live events and like engaging with people in person is so valuable. And I've had so many good mentors along the way. I absolutely cannot name them all. Uh, but what I will say is a few books that have been super impactful to me as well. Are you into me forever, which is about marriage in light of eternity. It's by Francis Chan. Uh, I would say also think and grow rich, which was the first personal development book I ever read was super impactful to me. And in the faith side of things. I love absolutely love mere Christianity by CS Lewis. And I think while there's like 10 other books and resources I want to name, I'll leave it at for now.
Speaker 1: (32:29)
Totally. No, I love that and I appreciate that. And those I can attest to most of those resources, those, those are great. And you have a gift, uh, that you want for our listeners and you kind of put together something special for those that wanted to, uh, just say, man, I want more. I want to learn more from you. So tell us a little about what you have to offer our listeners today.
Speaker 2: (32:51)
Absolutely. So the gift is an audio recording of our rules of engagement. This is the first thing we teach at our live events and it's become some of our most treasured and appreciated content. And these rules are really designed, they're eight rules designed to help you win more at work, win more at home, and when more in your faith, if you're not a Christian, I guarantee that when you listen to these rules, you're going to love them. You're going to glean a lot from them. It's really good leadership content more than anything else and how to lead yourself and lead the people around you. And so if you would like to listen to this relatively brief, similar in length to this podcast, audio on the rules of engagement, go to F to I gift.com that's F the number two I gift.com you can have them for free. I think you'll love the rules and I would love to get your feedback. So if you want to connect with me, follow me on social media, Justin Janowski or follow faith2influence on social media and you can send me a message or you can even email [email protected]
Speaker 1: (33:59)
that's awesome. Well thank you so much and I encourage everybody go and go and check out what they are doing even if you're not in their target audience, like this is a young company that is growing, that is intentional, that is professional. Like let's watch them grow and support them and be behind them and help them on their journey. So thank you so much for joining us today on the small business storytellers and, uh, I, I'm going to have to come down in Colorado Springs and buy lunch and waft a tie. There's so many things I want to talk more about, but I appreciate you being present today.
Speaker 2: (34:33)
My pleasure. I love free lunch, so I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for listening, everybody.
Speaker 1: (34:37)
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